Frequently Asked Questions

[Q] : What is the United Christian Church of Yakima?
We believe that faith is far more important than creeds or doctrines.
How you live your life is the most important part of your journey.
We believe that God’s direction for us is a lifelong passage, which is enhanced by our interactions with others. We strive to show God’s love and mercy through acts of justice, kindness, and peace.
We believe that faith is best expressed through deeds, and that actions speak louder than words. Our mission is to cultivate a community where individuals are empowered to make positive and tangible differences in the lives of others.
We value unity with diversity – not uniformity. We value freedom of belief, with a reasoned and thoughtful approach to faith. Every voice is valued, and every journey is respected. We want to empower individuals to explore, question, and express their faith freely.
We take the Bible seriously, but not all of us take it literally.
[Q] : What is the worship service like?
Our worship service is traditional, yet informal.
Our services are similar to those found in most other churches. We open with the solicitation of prayers and joys. We sing to music. We hear (and reflect upon) a sermon. We hold communion, and we pray.
[Q] : What is Communion?
Communion, also known as the Eucharist (among other names), is a Christian sacrament that commemorates the Last Supper, the final meal that Jesus shared with his disciples before his crucifixion.
During this meal, Jesus took bread and wine and, after giving thanks, he broke the bread and gave it to his disciples, telling them, “This is my body, which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me.” He then took the cup of wine and shared it, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you.”
We participate by eating bread and drinking wine (or more commonly – grape juice) as symbols of Jesus’ body and blood. It is meant to represent our unity with Christ and with each other, as well as a time to remember Jesus’ sacrifice and to reflect on the meaning of his death and resurrection.
Everyone is invited and welcome to take communion. You need not be a member of our church (or any church) in order to participate. You need not be baptized. You only need to be present.
[Q] : What activities are available for my children on Sunday mornings?
Kids are always welcome. A children’s area is available during worship.
Although we have a dedicated area, kids are always invited to enjoy church services with their parents. Children are not required to be in the ‘kid’s area’ during services.
[Q] : What should I wear?
Nirvana said it best: Come as You Are
We have members from various backgrounds and walks of life. Some like to dress for the occasion, and others wear shorts. The decision is yours. You are always welcome no matter the attire.
[Q] : Can I take Communion?
We believe that Jesus Christ is the host at the table of communion. Everyone is invited to the table. You do not have to be a member of our church, or any church to take communion.
[Q] : Is a donation plate passed around?
While we believe it’s important to offer gratitude there is no plate (or basket) passed around during the service. We encourage members to give as they feel led. There are baskets near the entrance of the chapel where donations are always accepted.
We also gladly accept online donations.

Click the link above the image or scan the QR code to donate.